Can I schedule a 1:1 meeting with Nicole?

Most of the tutoring support is provided in a group setting through the Live Group Tutoring Sessions or Community Forum Posts. 

Occasionally, there might be some availability to purchase a 1:1 meeting with one of our tutors. If you're interested, submit the contact form below to get more information.

Help! I can't log in!

Troubleshooting - common issues

1. There are duplicate emails for you in the system. Is it possible you are trying the wrong one? Before contacting support, try:

  • a different email
  • searching your email addresses for your welcome email
  • the "forgot my password" option on the login page with each of your email addresses until you get the right one

2. You're using an old login location/wrong login link

3. You've not yet completed your registration. If none of your emails work and you have no confirmation emails in your email search (check SPAM folders), it's possible that a glitch in the system prevented you from completing your signup. 

If you've checked all of those things and the reset password link didn't work for you, contact support to check your account and/or reset your password.


How do I update my billing information? 

  1. Log in
  2. Click your profile picture at the top right (may be a default profile image)
  3. Click settings from the drop-down menu
  4. On the settings page, click "billing" at the top right
  5. Update information 

How do I cancel my membership?

It's been an honor walking with you for part of your nursing journey! I hope you're cancelling because you're graduating, but if not...

I need to make sure that you fully understand that by cancelling, you permanently lose any discounts that are currently applied to your account. Plus, if we raise prices in the future, you will pay whatever the current membership rates are in the future if you decide to rejoin later. 

If you still want to cancel, then you can do so in the "billing" section of settings.

Any other questions you can ask via this form:

Submit the form below and we will aim to respond within 24 hours.